2014년 9월 1일 월요일

What I need to read or research for final persuasive essay (Lists)

1. Roy F. Baumeister, C...etc,  <Does Emotion Cause Behavior>     (Fin.)
  → http://www.carlsonschool.umn.edu/assets/128887.pdf

2. 김병수, <감정과 이성, 결정적 순간에 무엇을 따라야 할까>     (Reading..)
   (ByungSu Kim, <Reason and Emotions, Which one do we have to follow in a crucial moment>)
  Bcs of copyright, no link.

3. <How your emotions affect behavior?>     (Reading..)
  → http://www.mycareertopia.com/how-your-emotions-affect-behavior/

4. 고영복, <철학 사상과 사회 사상의 만남>      (Not yet)


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