◀This picture is well-known schema showing Freud's psychodynamic theory.
In the last post, I introduced Freud's psychodynamic theory to support my opinion. This post is for making my opinion more detail and convincing.
As mentioned in the last post, Human characteristics are comprised of id, ego and superego. Id means the id is the personality component made up of unconscious psychic energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. The id operates based on the pleasure principle, which demands immediate gratification of needs. Ego seeks to please the id's drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bring grief. At the same time, Freud concedes that as the ego "attempts to mediate between id and reality, it is often obliged to cloak the Unconscious. Freud concludes that the id is for expressing or behaving and ego is for controlling the behaviors or expressions. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society - our sense of right and wrong.
The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behavior. It works to suppress all unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious. According to this Freud's theory, the balance among id, ego, and superego is important for proper human life and behavior.
This context is quite similar to what I have been explaining until now. The theory says that the id is the only one that human have since the moment of birth. This says that the id's role is very fundamental to construct human behavior and socialization mechanism. Next, I have emphasized that emotions play a role as starting point of human behavior. Similarly, Freud also said that desire from the id lets human body to do something in the way to satisfy the desire. These are really consistent opinion. This context says that the id can be substituted with emotions in my opinion. I have also explained the role of reason as limitation or boundary of one's behavior with reflecting process. Freud's theory also says ego and superego's roles in similar way of this. According to his theory, ego realizes that there is environmental limitation suppressing one not to overdo beyond reality. Thus it helps human to behave in realistic way, letting him satisfy his desire as much as possible. Superego makes human obey to moral norm with the reflection. These are also consistent. The role of reason is explained in his theory : 1. realizing reality and performing in realistic way 2. follow ethical norm.
All of this context can be translated into a diagram which I made in the last time : http://020301gogun.blogspot.kr/2014/10/research-systemizing-my-opinion-in.html
<Reference or Quote>
http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/personalityelem.htm - Freud's psychodynamic theory
http://blog.naver.com/pinkdream_02/220158109798 - Freud's Theory and Modern Society in Korean blog(naver)
My Topic :
Human behavior radically comes from emotions rather than reason.
What I hope to learn from this source:
I hope to find more similarities between Freud's opinion and mine to support mine more strongly.
Final Thoughts:
I think I did well to research on Freud!!
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